Thursday, November 16, 2006

Vale Holly Doggie

The MB family lost their faithful, beloved pooch this week, on Monday 13 November to be precise. Holly entertained, exasperated and looked out for the MB family for nigh on fifteen years. MB is thankful Holly passed away peacefully, due to old age, and did not suffer greatly, in fact she was her usual self more or less right up until the end. Mr MB found her a nice spot in the backyard, under the avocado tree, he's going to carve her name into the avocado trunk. Needless to say the Holly dog is going to be missed in a big way.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

First Daughter's Birthday

FD celebrated her birthday yesterday with a mandatory meal at Donnini's. We weren't disappointed either, we all enjoyed a superb lunch. Not dinner as a little too late for the little prince to go out.
TCO got her a birthday card illustrated with Miss Bossy on the front, his message inside was "you can have anything you want today except the password to my computer", when she read this she laughed and confirmed she was going to raise that topic again at lunch!
FD's planned night out clubbing didn't eventuate, maybe next year?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Christmas Wish List 2006:

Subscription to New Yorker Magazine, Showy Lilac Jade pendant - abstract design, Rick Stein's French Odyssey DVD, HDD Recorder with DVD burner and twin HD tuners, a couple of months anywhere in Europe, any book by PG Wodehouse or Elizabeth David (2nd hand is good), Pre-loved Finlandia 1970's "Arabia Ruska" stoneware or Temuka 1980's "Riverstone" stoneware and lastly a custom built, minimalist/shaker fusion design tropical hardwood timber kitchen hutch. Thank you

Siblings & Passwords

Firstborn Daughter (with baby Eljay) is staying in the family home whilst renovations are in progress at her house. FD is staying in her old room which is now MB's office, when baby goes to bed very early in the evenings, the room and computer therein are unavailable. First night FD needed to check her email and do some posts on her blog and tried to use her brother's PC, but was unable to get past the login password, TCO was out so she gave him a call to ask for the password. Fireworks ensured when TCO wouldn't divulge his password.
FD protests; "How can you let him have a computer with a password on it?". "He is entitled to his privacy." responds MB. For the past 3 days, while TCO is at work, FD has been trying to crack the password, unsuccessfully. The password topic has been raised by FD morning and night ever since. MB is finding it really quite amusing watching the interplay between her two "grown-up" kids.