Monday, July 23, 2007

Pork & Lentils Brittany Style

One of our most popular family meals which was passed down to MDR from his Grandmere:

375 Grams Brown Lentils (the French Puy Lentils are the nicest)
500 Grams chopped pork trimmed of all fat (better to use cheaper cuts)
750 ml Tomato puree
1 Large Onion, finely chopped
4 Carrots, peeled and chopped
2-4 Litres Chicken stock
Bouquet Garni - preferably fresh Lemon Thyme/Parsley/Celery leaves
Pepper to taste

Wash the lentils, no need to soak. Melt off some of the pork fat, brown the chopped pork, add chopped onions and carrots, fry until golden.

Add the Stock, Tomato Puree, Bouquet Garni and Lentils and bring to a simmer. Add some pepper to taste.

Simmer and leave covered for around 60-90 minutes adding stock or water as needed to keep it similar to a casserole consistency. Do not add salt until just prior to serving. Ready to serve when the lentils are soft. Bon Appetit.


blues buffett said...

Comic Sans.

Thanks for the recipe - not sure if it fits fully into the Vegetarian diet, but it sounds delicious.

Is the blog-reading public going to understand the reasons behind blogging absence?

pauly said...

Damn - I used those red split lentils. And I forgot to buy stock!
It turned out to be a bright orange mush with bits of meat and celery. But it tasted alright I guess.

MB said...

Ahhh Comic Sans, of course...LOL. That's the font youngest son loves to hate!

MB foolishly agreed to work full time until June, then let it run on until end of August, and honestly is finding the going very tough. A mysterious adrenal/pituitary problem isn't helping and MB has been referred to a specialist, after an 8 week wait MB has an appointment today.....

Paul said...

ummmm Lentil Stew - I cant wait until winter to try out a batch - keep the easy recipies coming - prefer recipies with a maximum of 5 ingredients and which take less than 5 minutes to make - the 5 x 5 meal plan!

MB said...

5 x 5 Meal Plans - that's an excellent theme for a cookbook

Corinne said...

This will come in handy thanks for putting it on the blog

Anonymous said...

I forgot to include 2 rashers of diced bacon in this recipe! MB